Whitleigh Community Trust’s ethos and values is to create a caring, compassionate learning community, which seeks to improve the well-being of our community, supporting their growing confidence as well as supporting the achievement of their aspirations. This is achieved by being truly resident led, by being welcoming, inclusive of all residents and respectful of each other.
Our Code of Conduct has been created with the support of residents and reflects Whitleigh Community Trust’s values. It covers how we expect Trustees to behave in the wider community, in meetings, and how we promote ourselves through social media, and other external messaging.
Integrity, respect and honesty will be the principles we expect from Trustees when dealing with others within the Community Trust and associated ‘friends’, equally when dealing with individuals and institutions outside of it.
Whitleigh Community Trust will strive to maintain an atmosphere of openness throughout the community to promote the confidence of the public, stakeholders, funders, charity regulators and government.
We expect Trustees, to:
Act in the best interest of the community of Whitleigh and of Whitleigh Community Trust.
To declare any conflict of interest, or loyalty that might be perceived as such by others.
Trustees should conduct themselves with integrity and in a manner which does not damage or undermine the reputation of the charity or its volunteers and employees.
More specifically charity trustees:
Should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might seek to influence them in the performance of their duties;
Should not act to gain financial or other benefits for themselves or for any persons connected to them such as their family, their friends, or any organisation that they own, manage or work for.
Charity Trustees should avoid accepting gifts and hospitality that might reasonably be thought to influence them in carrying out their role as charity trustee. Any gifts or hospitality received in connection to Whitleigh Community Trust should not exceed the value of £15 and should be declared to the Board.
We expect Trustees to be tolerant and respectful of others, remember to challenge the opinion not the person. More than that, encourage others to have their say and feel heard even if you do not agree with them. We ask trustees to bring a genuinely independent perspective to enhance decision-making, given that charity trustees share responsibility for board decisions.
To follow the procedures of Trustee meetings as set out by the charity's memorandum of articles. To attend regular trustee meetings and to take part in debates and voting if entitled to in a respectful and considerate manner. To maintain confidentiality when requested.
To not break the law or go against the Charity regulation that would bring Whitleigh Community Trust into disrepute.
Volunteers/Employees within the Charity
Charity trustees should:
Aim to support volunteers and employees in carrying out their duties and always, in terms of their conduct, serve as an example of how everyone in the charity should conduct themselves to reflect the values of the charity.
Work considerately and fairly with everyone in a way that respects diversity, different roles and boundaries and avoids giving offence.
Accept and respect the difference in roles between the board on the one hand and volunteers and any employees on the other, ensuring that the board, volunteers and any employees work effectively and cohesively for the benefit of the charity and develop a mutually supportive and loyal relationship by:
respecting management arrangements and avoiding any actions that might undermine such arrangements.
not interfering in the performance by volunteers or employees of duties delegated to them within the charity while ensuring that volunteers and any employees working for the charity are held to account through the manager, as appropriate.
Legal Requirements and Policies
Charity trustees must:
Act in accordance with the charity’s governing document and ensure that the charity complies with all applicable laws including charity law, company law, health and safety law, data protection law and employment law.
Promote and preserve the obligations of confidentiality about sensitive board matters. However, the requirement for confidentiality may not apply if it becomes necessary for the charity trustee to inform the Charities Regulator or any other statutory body about any matter, which could threaten the future of the charity or could represent a breach of any law with which the charity is required to comply.
Abide by the charity’s conflict of interests’ policy and ensure the charity’s conflict of interest register is completed and updated as required.
Abide by any equality, diversity, safeguarding, health and safety, bullying and harassment policies and any other policies agreed by the board.
Ensure that claims for out-of-pocket expenses are made in accordance with agreed procedures.
I understand that a substantial breach of any part of this code may result in my removal as a Trustee.
Behaviour that is deemed to be unacceptable
Whitleigh Community Trust will not discriminate on the grounds of gender, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, sexuality, disability, religious or political belief, marital status, adopted care status, social class, citizenship or age. Inappropriate behaviour includes abusive, threatening or intimidating behaviour and applies to phone calls, emails, all social media, letters, in person and face-to-face meetings. This can include:
Anything deliberately done that brings Whitleigh Community Trust into disrepute, based on knowing and understanding.
Derogatory or belittling language
Any behaviour that is deemed threatening either verbally or physically.
Inappropriate or unwelcome physical contact.
Unwelcome sexual advances
Inappropriate jokes or unkind comments aimed at another person.
Gossip or malicious comments about another person.
Stalking, pestering, or trolling someone.
Isolating someone so they feel unwelcome and not valued.
If the code of conduct is broken:
Whitleigh Community Trust recognises that we can all make mistakes and that there needs to be opportunities for learning from those. Differences may sometimes get personal or be hard to resolve for other reasons. Trustees should be prepared to recognise when this is happening and be willing to find fair ways of working things out through mediation or similar approaches.
However, where a charity trustee is found to consistently or seriously breach the standards outlined by the board in its Code of Conduct, they will be asked to meet with the Chairperson of the board to assess their suitability for the role (If this is the Chairperson, the Vice Chair will be the appointed person).
If the code is broken the Chair of Trustees will take into consideration the following:
Unintentional breaking of the code through lack of knowledge, lack of ability to understand.
Recognition and ability to learn/ put things right.
Reasonable adjustments required on the basis of hidden and non-hidden disability.
Consistent and serious breach of the Code of Conduct by a charity trustee will result in the trustee’s tenure being terminated.
The board of charity trustees should review this Code of Conduct for trustees at 3-year intervals or as appropriate.