Funded by ‘The Tudor Trust’.
Join Whitleigh Walking Group to discover the beauty of local green spaces. We meet up weekly for a nice stroll through the woods. Every session helps people to reconnect with nature. Walking and talking come very naturally together and walking in a group can make us feel more connected to each other, reducing loneliness and isolation.
A team of 10 families who are eager to share their journey of growing their own food. It will be a fantastic opportunity to learn together. All levels of skills are good, so even if you have never grown anything before that's absolutely fine, as we're here to support you. You may apply to be our community gardener even if you don't have a garden! We'll agree on what you're going to grow during an individual planning session.
With the cost of living continuing to rise and food prices increasing, allotment gardening offers a cost-effective way of putting food on the table. If managed properly, an allotment can produce enough food to supplement a family's weekly shop with fresh fruit and vegetables throughout the year. Our Green Connector Team help to keep our allotment thriving all year round with the help of community members.