Policy Statement  

1. WBL (Whitleigh Big Local) and WCT (Whitleigh Community Trust) wants to safeguard all vulnerable adults, and this means adults that: 

  • Have need for care and support (whether the local authority is meeting any of those needs) and;  

  • Are experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect; and  

  • As a result of those care and support needs, the individual is unable to protect him/her self from either the risk of, or the experience of abuse or neglect.  

  • [Ref: The Care Act 2014]  


2. What WBL and WCT wants to achieve:  

  • stop abuse or neglect wherever possible. 

  • prevent harm and reduce the risk of abuse or neglect to adults with care and support needs. 

  • safeguard adults in a way that supports them in making choices and having control about how they want to live. 

  • promote an approach that concentrates on improving life for the adults concerned. 

  • address what has caused the abuse or neglect. 


3. WBL and WCT will ensure that all partnership members and members of staff/ volunteers across both organisations know or can easily find out what they need to do if they have a concern about the abuse of vulnerable adults. Whitleigh Community Trust is the parent ogansation for employees.  


4. A Definition 

“ Safeguarding means protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and 

neglect. It is about people and organisations working together to prevent and stop both the risks and experience of abuse or neglect, while at the same time making sure that the adult’s wellbeing is promoted including, where appropriate, having regard to their views, wishes, feelings and beliefs in deciding on any action. This must recognise that adults sometimes have complex interpersonal relationships and may be ambivalent, unclear or unrealistic about their personal circumstances.”  

(Care Act Guidance 14.7) 

5. Scope 

5.1 Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and all partnership members, staff and volunteers who, during the course of their employment, have direct or indirect contact with vulnerable adults, or who have access to information about them, have a responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of vulnerable adults.  

5.2 There is a duty on organisations to make appropriate arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of vulnerable adults.  

5.3 Also government guidance makes it clear that it is a shared responsibility and depends upon effective joint working between agencies and professionals that have different roles and expertise. 

5.4 ‘Making safeguarding personal’ 

This emphasises the importance of adults at risk being as involved as possible in a safeguarding process. With some exceptions, safeguarding enquiries should only take place with the consent and engagement of the person concerned. 

Where suspicions of abuse or neglect arise, the extent of an enquiry depends on the circumstances of the individual case and the views of the person at the heart of it, the wellbeing of the person is of central importance throughout the safeguarding process. This includes control over their day-to-day life and recognising the person is best placed to understand their own wellbeing requirements. 

In safeguarding cases, there can be a difficult balance for professionals to strike between protecting people from harm and empowering people to make their own choices and remain in control of their lives. This can mean respecting an older person’s choice, even though this puts them at risk of harm. Social care professionals must work within the legal and policy framework and their powers to intervene may at times be limited if the person has mental capacity to make informed decisions.( Age Concern safeguarding 2020)  

6. Accountabilities and Authorities  

6.1 There will be a named Safeguarding Champion for Vulnerable Adults who sits on the partnership and board of Trustees. 

6.2 The Lead Officer and other Designated Roles (see below) has ultimate responsibility for ensuring that Safeguarding Procedures are carried out as outlined in this policy.

 7. Method  

General & Designated Officers 

7.1 The Lead Officer of WBL and WCT is the Designated Officer with operational responsibility for receiving concerns about the safety and welfare of vulnerable adults; s/he will make decisions about what action needs to be taken and liaise with other agencies involved in safeguarding, especially social services.  

7.2 WBL and WCT Designated Officer has a responsibility to ensure Vulnerable Adult and PREVENT policies and procedures are reviewed and kept up to date and that all relevant staff access appropriate levels of vulnerable adult training.  

7.3 WBL and WCT designated officer has a duty to record and store securely all allegations and concerns regarding safeguarding or PREVENT securely whether actions are taken outside of the organisation, or not. Information will be in line with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UKGDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. This means we won’t give it to anyone else unless we have a safeguarding concern. 

WBL and WCT Designated Officer is : Pippa St John Cooper 

7.4 WBL and WCT will ensure that:  

All staff and volunteers are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of vulnerable adults and that they are informed about and take full responsibility for their decision making and actions at all levels. This means:  

 7.4.1 Ensuring the highest standards of safe recruitment, supervision and management oversight of WBL and WCT staff, particularly but not exclusively those working directly with vulnerable adults. 

7.4.3 Ensuring that vulnerable adults are seen and listened to and that their views are taken fully into account when making decisions  

7.4.3 Taking appropriate action regarding any concerns expressed about their welfare, commensurate with their rights to privacy and wherever possible on the basis of informed consent  

7.4.4 All members of staff and volunteers who are employed by or on behalf of WBL and WCT  and who have contact with vulnerable adults and their families or carers, will have a clear understanding of WBL and WCT responsibilities for safeguarding  

7.4.5 Regularly refreshing our policies and procedures about safeguarding in light of lessons from research, case reviews and maintaining an action plan for continuous improvement  

7.4.6 Promoting the highest standards of safeguarding practice across WBL and WCT including robust standards for safe recruitment and ongoing checks. 

7.4.7 WBL and WCT staff have clear lines of accountability in relation to its work in safeguarding vulnerable adults and appropriate job descriptions to reflect this 


8. Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Enhance Disclosure  

 From December 1st 2012, the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) merged with the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) to become the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). From this date DBS certificates replace the older CRB certificates.  

 WBL and WCT will ensure that any member of staff or volunteer having direct contact with (potential) vulnerable adults will have an Enhanced Check. All other paid staff will have a Standard Check  

 WBL and WCT is using Devon County Council as the ‘umbrella and checking’ agency for DBS checks 

9. Safe recruitment 

 9.1 Interview and induction. A (DBS) Enhanced or Standard Disclosure check will be required for all staff working for WBL and WCT 

 9.2 Two confidential references will be required, of which one should be regarding previous work with vulnerable adults, where relevant to the role

9.3 For any Fair and Safe recruitment to WBL and WCT follow the Recruitment & Selection policy 


10. Exceptional circumstances  

10.1 Where you are working unsociable hours you may need to contact Social Services or the Police direct, depending on the level of perceived risk. They will then decide on the action that will be required. Should this circumstance arise, you should contact the Designated Officer at the first opportunity to report the actions that have been taken.  

10.2 Incidents when disclosed may have a disturbing effect on you and you should ensure that where appropriate you seek support from colleagues and your line manager. Professional supervision will be sought if requested. 


11. Monitoring and Action  

Allegations against staff  

11.1 Allegations or concerns about staff relating to vulnerable adults are handled in accordance with the Plymouth Safeguarding Adults Board 

11.2 In the event of an accusation of abuse being made against any member of WBL partnership that membership will be automatically suspended pending further investigations. 

11.3 A WBL Disciplinary Committee will assess all cases based on an internal investigation The task of the Disciplinary Committee is to decide whether the accused member of the partnership, should be allowed to continue to work with vulnerable adults under the umbrella of Whitleigh Big local. At all times the welfare of vulnerable adult should be of paramount importance. This is an internal procedure and will be in addition to any external procedures necessitated and under advisement by the relevant authorities.  

11.4 In the event of an accusation of abuse being made against any member of Whitleigh community Trust staff or volunteer team, the individual accused will be automatically suspended pending further investigations. A WCT Disciplinary Committee will assess all cases based upon an internal investigation and the process will be carried in accordance with Whitleigh Community Trust Grievance and Disciplinary policy.  

Note: The temporary suspension of a member of staff in no way implies guilt or innocence. It is a measure intended to protect and reassure both staff and vulnerable adult.  

11.5 The member of staff or volunteer against whom an accusation of abuse has been made will be summoned to a Disciplinary meeting as early as possible. They are entitled to be accompanied to this meeting. Minutes will be taken of the meeting. The task of the Disciplinary Committee is to decide whether the accused member of the partnership, staff/volunteer should be allowed to continue to work with vulnerable adults. At all times the welfare of vulnerable adult should be of paramount importance. The Disciplinary Procedure will be always followed. 

11.6 This is an internal procedure and will be in addition to any external procedures necessitated and under advisement by the relevant authorities. 


12. Compliance  

12.1 WBL and WCT recognises that Safeguarding Adults is recognised in law under the Care Act, April 2014 and replaces the document ‘No Secrets’ [DH 2000].  

12.2 PREVENT Duty - Guidance 2015 


13. Monitoring and Review  

13.1 Review and evaluation of this policy and its effectiveness will be undertaken by a subgroup of the partnership and trustees of WCT  

13.2 Earlier reviews will take place where legislative change or a Serious Case Review require this.  


14. Training, Education & Development Required 

Staff awareness  

14.1 WBL and WCT considers that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.  

In particular WBL and WCT will ensure that all staff in contact with vulnerable adults or who have access to sensitive information about vulnerable adults, know what to do and how best to share information in order to ensure vulnerable adults and their families or carers receive necessary services, especially when they are concerned that a vulnerable adult may be suffering or at risk of suffering harm, and that all staff have access to support and appropriately expert advice in this context. 

14.2 This means that partnership members, staff, and volunteers who have access to vulnerable adults and their families or carers, and those who have access to sensitive information, will have induction and on-going training so that they know of the appropriate procedures and personnel in place, and of their role in responding to concerns about vulnerable adults and safeguarding matters and duties under PREVENT. Additionally, line management and/or supervision is in place to appropriately support staff.  

14.3 Robust procedures are in place to ensure that staff, partnership members and volunteers who have access to vulnerable adults or access to sensitive information about vulnerable adults are employed safely. For example, this means:  

  • There is a culture throughout WBL and WCT that enables safeguarding issues to be addressed.  

  • Recruitment and vetting procedures prevent unsuitable people from having contact with vulnerable adults.  

  • Staff who work or have contact with vulnerable adults and their families or carers have appropriate safeguarding and safe working practices training, including induction, consistent with their role and function. 


Staff and volunteers will receive training to:  

  • Analyse their own practice against established good practice and to ensure their practice is likely to protect them against false allegations  

  • Recognise their responsibilities and report any concerns about suspected poor practice or possible abuse  

  • Respond to concerns expressed by a vulnerable adult  

  • Work safely and effectively with vulnerable adults 

  • Understand their right to confidentiality if they have concerns about another member of staff or a volunteer  

  • Have regular supervision with management regarding their role and duties  

  • WCT requires staff with direct contact with Vulnerable Adults to attend at least one Safeguarding Training event every 2 years, to complete the online training for Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults and PREVENT, as part of induction and if necessary additional external training from the appropriate bodies.